Ninja from the ‘Nth’ Dimension
Zool was an iconic videogame character for Amiga home computers in the 1990s. Gremlin Graphics’ “Ninja from the Nth Dimension” helped to further the careers of many young game developers and propelled Sheffield’s games industry onto the global stage. It is fitting then that Zool should be The Sumo Academy’s first published title, helping – once again – to launch the careers of young game developers in Sheffield.

Remaking this classic retro game has provided exactly the right level of challenge for apprentice programmers learning their trade. The process of remaking Zool has enabled the Academy’s first cohort to grow into a professional programming team; encouraging and supporting each other as they applied their art to the shared goal of making Zool Redimensioned the best possible game it could be!
The game and its 2D game engine (the Nth Dimension Engine), were written entirely in C++ by the academy interns: many of whom hadn’t written a line of C++ before they applied to the academy. Level data was ported over from the original 90’s developer archives of the game code and painstakingly reconstructed for the remake. Yet it quickly became apparent that the game’s difficulty curve hadn’t aged well, and the interns set about making a range of sympathetic modifications to the game mechanics and level design to address this. The additional screen space made available by modern monitor resolutions also provides the player with a much-needed wider view of their surroundings than in the original game – and so Zool “Redimensioned” was born.
Nearly all the artwork, sound effects and music for Zool Redimensioned come directly from the original versions of the game, but the team were joined by a graduate intern from Sheffield Hallam University for a few months to create some additional artwork for the front and back ends. The entire product has been lovingly restored by this passionate young team and purchasing it will help to support future generations of new talent in the academy.

© 2021 Urbanscan Ltd. All rights reserved. This remake of Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension was developed by Sumo Digital Academy under licence from Ian Stewart’s Urbanscan Ltd. Sumo Digital Academy is a talent development programme creating new pathways into the games industry. Published and distributed by Secret Mode Limited. Sumo Digital Academy and Secret Mode Limited are part of Sumo Group plc.